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Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...

Maximizing Your Unclaimed Property from Colorado: Tips for Maximizing Additional Funds

  Did you know that there might be unclaimed property or money that belongs to you? The Colorado State Treasurer’s Office is reminding Coloradans about the importance of chec...

Lost & Found: 1 in 10 Americans are Still Holding Unclaimed Money

Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans may have unclaimed money waiting for them? It's a startling statistic that highlights the potential for millions of dollars to go unnoticed each year.  Whether it...

Top Trending Ways to Make a Claim on Unclaimed Assets Free of Charge

There's one major factor that holds back many people from claiming assets that are rightfully theirs: the fear that they will be denied the claim or be charged significantly for it. If you asked the av...

The Cash You Didn't Know You Had: Finding Unclaimed Assets in New Jersey

  Have you ever wondered if there is unclaimed money out there just waiting for you? You may be surprised to learn that states actually hold billions of dollars in unclaimed funds from sourc...

Discovering Educational Gold: Unclaimed Assets await Schools across Connecticut

Surprise! Lots of money set aside for schools in Connecticut has been found sitting unused.  This is great news for schools struggling to pay for things they need. With millions of dollars...

Mastering Overdraft Fees: How to Get Them Refunded

Overdraft fees can be a real headache, hitting your wallet when you least expect it.  But fear not, there are ways to fight back and get those pesky fees refunded.  According to a recent report from the Consum...

Unclaimed Lottery Winnings: Your Overlooked Fortune

Every year, millions of dollars in lottery winnings go unclaimed, leaving potential millionaires unaware of their newfound wealth. California Lottery officials have revealed that, on average, almost $50 million remains u...

​​​​​​​How to Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies: A Comprehensive Guide

Every year, millions of dollars in life insurance goes unclaimed. Beneficiaries often struggle to locate policies or are unaware of their involvement altogether. The problem of ...