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Have an LG Refrigerator? A Settlement Might Be Waiting For You.
A class-action lawsuit that was filed against LG because of compressor failures in 31 different refrigerator models reached a settlement agreement on Aug. 14. The refrigerators include models with French or s...
Target Settles Illegal Debt Collection Practices Class-Action Lawsuit for $2.3 Million
If you are a consumer, there are limits to what debt collectors can do in terms of contacting you for payment of a debt. If they cross a certain legal line, they can even be made to pay...
COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities
COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities Students had plans for the spring semester. It was the season to meet new friends, attend sporting events, ta...
Are COVID-19 Liability Waivers Valid and Enforceable?
Liability relief for businesses has been a hot topic as Congress debates a fourth phase of stimulus. The Republicans have demanded that any addition stimulus include protection for businesses from the coming wave of la...
Business Interruption Lawsuits May Consolidate into a Series of Mini-MDLs
The business interruption insurance lawsuits brought in the wake of COVID-19 promise to keep the federal court system busy for years. There will likely be thousands of complex cases with high-stakes...
The People's Republic of China Reimburses U.S. Businesses
California businesses filed against the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of the Hubei Province for trillions of dollars lost due to the failure of the Chinese government to contain the d...
2021 Public Safety Lawsuits - Lockheed Martin, Paraquat, Walter Kidd
2021 Public Safety Lawsuits - Lockheed Martin, Paraquat, Walter Kidd Lockheed Martin releases hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, pollutants, and volatile organic compounds that they use while manufacturin...
How to Prevent Your Assets from Becoming "Unclaimed" in a Few Easy Steps
Today we'll be focusing on how to prevent assets from becoming unclaimed. Remember, even if an asset is reclaimed, only its initial amount can be taken back. When it comes to unclaimed as...
Illinois Residents May Soon Get Hundreds of Dollars in a Settlement from Facebook
If you live in Illinois, you may be able to receive hundreds of dollars in compensation if your have a Facebook account. The company recently settled a lawsuit for $650 million that alleged ...