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Unclaimed Funds: The Easy Way to Claim Your Missing Money

Have you ever considered if there are unclaimed funds in your name? Unclaimed funds is money left untouched and unrecovered by its rightful owner for a while due to reasons such as inheriting property but not kno...

Shocking Discoveries: Unclaimed Fortune Awaits - Are You Missing Out?

In a world full of hidden treasures, it's hard to believe that there are unclaimed funds, money, and resources waiting to be discovered by rightful owners. From forgotten bank accounts to abandoned ...

Claimitar.gov: Arkansas' Digital Quest for Unclaimed Property

Imagine having unclaimed property that you didn't even know existed. That's the reality for thousands of people in Arkansas, as the state currently holds over $400 million in unclaimed cash and assets. ...

Three Meatpacking Employees Sue OSHA for Lax Regulation and Oversight

The meatpacking industry has come under scrutiny recently for its actions during COVID-19. Meatpackers have been sued by their employees for gross negligence that allegedly led to their injury and death...

Business Interruption Lawsuits May Consolidate into a Series of Mini-MDLs

The business interruption insurance lawsuits brought in the wake of COVID-19 promise to keep the federal court system busy for years. There will likely be thousands of complex cases with high-stakes...

Surprising Ways to Access Unclaimed Funds and Reap the Benefits

It may surprise you that an estimated $58 billion in unclaimed money and assets sit in the United States. It includes forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, stocks, insurance benefits, and tax refunds. If ...

Consumer Sues Nestle Claiming that the Vanilla in Coffee Mate Is Artificial

A favorite lawsuit filed by class action attorneys is that a consumer product is not what it claims to customers in its marketing. The attorneys get a decent cut of the settlement agreement while ...

Catastrophic Wildfires Spark Class-Action Lawsuits Against Pacific Corporation

Labor Day catastrophic fires have raged out of control in Oregon. The plaintiffs, Robin Colbert and Jeanyne James, have filed a class-action lawsuit in the Multnomah County Circuit Court. The...

Have You Ever Overpaid for Jail Calls? You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you live in the United States and have ever had a loved one in jail, you know firsthand how stressful the experience can be. First, you need to get through to jail staff, which can take quite ...