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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets

Federal judge approves multi-billion dollar settlement between local governments and the Sackler family

  Purdue Pharmaceuticals Purdue Pharma is a multi-decade old company that is thought to be largely responsible for the opioid epidemic. This is due to their creati...

Do You Know How to Access Unclaimed Funds? Find Out

Billions of dollars in unclaimed funds remain in government coffers. This money is just waiting for the rightful owner to claim. In many cases, the money is from forgotten bank accounts, unclaimed insurance policies, or ...

A Beginner's Guide to Claiming Lost Financial Assets

Are you ready to start getting your unclaimed funds? You may have heard of unclaimed money or assets, but do you know anything about claiming them? Unclaimed funds, also known as lost financial assets, are monetary po...

Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Tips for Locating Your Lost Funds

Do you know that a massive sum of money could be yours without ever knowing? Millions of dollars in unclaimed funds await their legitimate proprietors to take them. From uncashed paychecks to neglected ban...

Unlock Your Potential: How to Find Unclaimed Funds and Resources

Are you looking for ways to supplement your income? Have you ever considered looking for unclaimed funds and resources? You may be surprised to find out how much money you could be missing out on. Unclaimed f...

Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...

Could New York Owe You Thousands? Discover How to Claim Your Unclaimed Money!

Do you ever wonder if you have unclaimed money waiting for you? In New York, a significant amount of unclaimed property could be yours! Here's how you can find out if you have any unclaimed a...

High-Flying Zoom Faces Class-Action from Consumers for Data Sharing

Zoom has been one of the companies that have dominated headlines during the COVID-19 crisis is the virtual meeting company Zoom. Entire companies and educational organizations are operating by conducting ...

Passengers File Class-Action Lawsuit Against Cruise Operator for COVID-19 Outbreak

Cruise ships have become an epicenter for the COVID-19 outbreak. Caught in close quarters with others as the virus was spreading, numerous passengers became ill and many eventually died. Th...