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Hey — You May Have Unclaimed Money/Property Waiting for You. Read This!

Are you looking for spare change hidden beneath your sofa cushions? You're not alone. High inflationary times have been tough on most folks out there. The cost of food, especially, is hard to ke...

What to do in case of identity theft, especially when done to steal your COVID-19 Stimulus

Theft Uses The people who steal identities or use already stolen ones have reasons for this, and all of them are a fraud of some manner. The two most common, with the uses of infor...

New FICO Model Increases Credit Scores

Your FICO credit score increased and it has nothing to do with any change in your own personal credit situation.   Check your Credit Scores for free! by clicking here The company that maintains the FICO scoring model is mak...

Digging for Buried Treasure: Uncovering Unclaimed Assets in Pennsylvania

Have you ever thought about the possibility of discovering lost wealth that legally belongs to you? Across the state of Pennsylvania, millions of dollars of unclaimed property remain uncollected, ...

Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...

Maximizing Your Unclaimed Property from Colorado: Tips for Maximizing Additional Funds

  Did you know that there might be unclaimed property or money that belongs to you? The Colorado State Treasurer’s Office is reminding Coloradans about the importance of chec...

$1 Billion in Unclaimed Assets: A Hidden Treasure Hunt for North Carolinians

Have you ever dreamed of discovering hidden treasure or uncovering a secret fortune? Well, North Carolina residents have over $1 billion in buried treasure waiting to be found - in the form of...

Discovering Educational Gold: Unclaimed Assets await Schools across Connecticut

Surprise! Lots of money set aside for schools in Connecticut has been found sitting unused.  This is great news for schools struggling to pay for things they need. With millions of dollars...

​​​​​​​Unclaimed Property: Find Out If Your State Owes You Money

There's a significant chance that you may have unclaimed property or money just waiting to be claimed. With Unclaimed Property Day approaching on February 1, it's a great time to dis...